The Breast Advice

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from Angela Leonard, IBCLC.

Call (302) 478-2604 or your doctor’s number to schedule a lactation appointment.

Congratulations on your new baby.  Whether this baby is your first, second, third, or more, we understand that bringing home a newborn can be exhausting and a little scary.  We hope that this note serves as a soothing reminder that we are here for you whenever you need us and the information you need is here at your fingertips.  Remember, the goals of the early days of breastfeeding are to establish your supply and teach baby how to feed well at tfrom the breast.  Keeping baby and mommy comfortable and together and allowing your baby frequent opportunities to nurse will help get you off to a good start!

Here’s what we want you to know about nursing you new baby:

Newborns are wired to suck.  Keeping baby skin to skin with mommy in the early days helps meet that innate need.  Newborn babies need to nurse frequently – 8-12 times in 24 hours.

There rare only two rules to successful breastfeeding.


Frequent effective breastfeeding (whenever possible) is the best choice!  Babies should take both breasts at each feeding in these early days.  If baby baby falls asleep after 15-20 minutes on the first side, change the diaper to wake baby up, and offer the other side!

Supplementation is necessary, if baby will NOT latch on the breast after the first 12 hours of life.  If this is the case, you should see a lactation consultant as soon as possible.  We also encourage supplements, if baby is not meeting minimums for wet/soiled diapers each day.


If baby is not latching and nursing well, you must PUMP your breasts frequently to encourage your milk to come in.  Pumping tells your body that it needs to produce milk.

Around days 3-5 it is normal for baby to want to nurse very frequently.  It’s important to let baby do just that.  This is the was your baby tells your bady to make more milk.  Offering unnecessary supplementation during this time can hinder milk production.  If you are concerns, CALL us!

Latch is so important.  Sometimes it just takes a few minutes of hands-on help to make breastfeeding much more comfortable for mommy and more productive for baby.  A baby with a shallow latch will not get as much milk as a baby who latches well, and OUCH! for mommy.

Why call me?

I am an Internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultant.  That means that I specialize in breastfeeding and infant feeding issues.  I am in the office Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and some Fridays.  You may call any time and leave a message but please remember, if I am not her, the machine is not checked.  Your doctor’s triage specialist can help answer your questions and you are always encouraged to call with concerns.

I want you to come see me, if you are having difficulty with latch, have sore nipples, if baby is not gaining appropriately, or if baby is not wetting or stooling frequently enough.  I want to see you, if you have had breast surgery in the past or if you feel like your milk is not coming in as it should.  I am here to help you throughout your nursing relationship with your baby and can help you sort out pumping and returning to work, as well as some nursing challenges that may arise as baby grows.